
555 Timer Circuit
The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, delay, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. Derivatives provide two (556) or four (558) timing circuits in one package. It was commercialized in 1972 by Signetics.

LM-35 Temperature Sensor Circuit
LM35 is a precession Integrated circuit Temperature sensor, whose output voltage varies, based on the temperature around it. It is a small and cheap IC which can be used to measure temperature anywhere between -55°C to 150°C.

2 Way Switch using XOR Gate
A two-way switch can be simulated by making use of either AOI logic or using XOR logic. A two -input XOR gate produces a HIGH output whenever the inputs are at opposite levels.t applicable at home to control staircase lights.
3 Dimension Parts

5 Volt Relay
Relay is a switch that connects or disconnects two circuits when electrical signals are applied.

An ATMega Microcontroller is an 8-bit micro-controller manufactured by Atmel Corporation.

ESP8266 (NodeMCU)
The ESP8266 also known as NodeMCU is a low-cost Wi-Fi enable Microchip.